Home Mucem

We are delighted to welcome you to the International circle of the Friends of the Mucem

The Society of Friends of the Mucem has been an active and privileged partner of the Mucem since the project’s inception, supporting the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations in its mission as a relay for collective memory and heritage by assisting with project development and promotion. By joining our International Circle, you will be actively contributing to enhancing the status of the Mucem, which has taken its place in the prestigious lineage of internationally-renowned French institutions.

Join the Friends of the Mucem

Online membership

or  Get membership application form

Membership Friends 2023
Friends of the Mucem membership gift vouchers 

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Membership for calendar year
Membership subscriptions taken out in the last 4 months of a year are valid for the following year.

Becoming a Friend of the Mucem brings a number of benefits:

MEMBERSHIP DUES 2023 (general meeting 14th may 2022)
Valid from 1st september 2022 to 31th december 2023

Individual €50
Couples €80
Individual, 200km+ €38
Couples, 200km+ €65
18-35s working €30
18-35s student-young graduate €20
Benefactorfrom €200
Corporationfrom €200

Please send your completed membership form to:

Société des Amis du Mucem - Mucem CS 10351 13213 MARSEILLE CEDEX 02 - France

Mucem : Batiment J4 etFort Saint Jean vus du Pharo

Legal notice - Contact
Société des Amis du Mucem - Mucem CS 10351 13213 MARSEILLE CEDEX 02 www.amisdumucem.org