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From 2013 to 2017 the 'Amis du Mucem Society" (Mucem friends) invited every Marseille's economic operators to accompany the Mucem, unique mediterranean project. The "Amis" offered to welcome companies within the Business Circle to create a participative dynamics of support to the Mucem ambitious targets and to its full territory integration. Cercle of interaction and sharing point of views it provided privileges and insured visibility to companies. About twenty members joined the Circle and together participated to the choice of supporting actions for the Mucem.


Founder Sponsor 2017
Société Marseillaise de Crédit
  Sponsor 2017
Banque Populaire Provençale et Corse
Benefactors 2017
Air liquide France Industrie   NGE
ArcelorMittal Méditerranée   Onet
Banque Martin-Maurel   SAFRAN Snecma
CEA   Société du Canal de Provence
Fondation d'entreprise Logirem   SPSE Société du Pipeline Sud Européen
Freyssinet   Total Raffinage France Plateforme de La Mède
La Méridionale   UIMM Provence Alpes 13-04
Montepaschi Banque  

Business circle had chosen to support various projects of the Mucem

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Scholarships for professionnals in the Mediterranean area to take part in training courses at I2MP (Institut Méditerranéen des Métiers du Patrimoine) Publication of three books about Mediterranean Gallery

Continuation of supporting I2MP
Fort Saint-Jean: creation of an audiovisual tour for historical interpretation

Continuation of supporting I2MP
Supporting of exhibition "Document Bilingue"

Continuation of supporting I2MP
Participation in the purchase of a work or an action marking the presence of companies in the first five years.

Continuation of supporting I2MP
€25 000 €40 000 €45 000 €45 000 €40 000

Members of Business circle
SPONSOR MEMBER €5 000 for 3 years €2 000 after tax deduction
BENEFACTOR MEMBER €2 000 for 3 years €800 after tax deduction


Legal notice - Contact
Société des Amis du Mucem - Mucem CS 10351 13213 MARSEILLE CEDEX 02 www.amisdumucem.org